Affiliate Marketing Ideas To Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing Ideas To Make Money Online

Sometimes all you need is one good idea to make money online. Learn how a simple blog can make you money while you sleep.


Sometimes I feel as if I need to escape this wonderful world that we call the world web wide, because I spend so much time in front of a screen.

If you have read any posts on my website then you are going to know that I am a straight shooter.

As in – I tell it like it is.

So, when someone asks me if I have any affiliate marketing ideas that will help them make money online, my answer is going to be dependent on how much experience and success they have already had with affiliate marketing.

For A Newbie

So for a person who knows nothing about making money online, the best place to start is with blogging.

Blogging is a low cost idea you can implement now. And it won’t cost you a helluva lot of time or money to get set up.

For less than $30 bucks a year you can start making money as a blogger.

Think about it for a second – I mean what other money making business can you start now that would cost you less than $30 bucks a year?

Ohhhhh – none.

Heck you don’t even have to be good at blogging to make money as an affiliate.

All you have to do, is have an opinion and share it.

Here’s a quick overview on how to do it

  1. Identify who your target audience is. Who are you “pocket of people.” I go into this in a lot of depth in this post.
  2. Register a domain name (find out who I recommend here) and get hosting (I have a VPS so if you want to pay $350 a month go here, otherwise you can get started for less than$5 bucks with hostgator).
  3. Get a keyword tool like Longtail Pro for keyword research. I show you exactly how to find keywords that you can rank on the first page of Google in this post.
  4. Start cranking out articles relating to the keywords you found in Longtail Pro. Learn how I rank on the first page of Google using Long Tail Pro here.
  5. Monetize your traffic using Clickbank and or Adsense.

If you just follow the steps I laid out above then you will make money.

But can you make a full-time living using this model?

Well, you might start off like I did making $0.20 a day, but overtime as your posts start ranking in the search engines your income will increase just like mine, and you might even reach $800 per day like I did.

Want to learn more about making money online? Get some coaching here.

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